1. Open the "Settings" in Linphone and select the following settings:
- Display Name:
- Connection
- Server URL: ldap://
- Bind DN: uid=API_KEY,ou=users,dc=sync,dc=blue
- Password: API_KEY
- Use TLS: off
- Use SAL:off
- Verify Certificates on TLS: off
- Search
- Search Base: ou=API_KEY,ou=contacts,dc=sync,dc=blue
- Filter: |(sn=*%s*)(gn=*%s*)
- Max Results: 50
- Timeout: 5
- Parsing
- Name Attributes: sn,gn
- SIP Attributes: businessPhone,mobilePhone,homePhone,sn
- Domain: as required
2. Save the new settings.
3. Restart Linphone.
If the name search via LDAP does not work as desired, proceed as follows:
- Enable "Troubleshooting" in Linphone's LDAP settings.
- Restart Linphone.
- Open the Linphone log file. Location e.g. on macOS: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/linphone/linphone1.log
- Search this file for the term "ldap".
Known limitations
- Linphone can only search for LDAP contacts via main search field of the Linphone application and not via the menu item “Contacts”.
- Linphone may display a contact found several times in the search results.
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